A person standing over a computer

Community & Indigenous Relations


South Bow is committed to establishing, building and maintaining long-term relationships with communities and Indigenous groups near our current operations and future projects. South Bow takes a principled approach to meaningful engagement to understand the priorities and concerns of communities; share ongoing transparent communication; and to create mutually beneficial respectful relationships.

We will contribute to the social and economic well-being of communities by investing in community-led programs and events and creating opportunities for project participation including contracting and employment.

By working together and ensuring open communication with Indigenous groups, we strive to earn their respect, support and trust to establish and grow positive long-term relationships.

South Bow recognizes that Indigenous groups are rightsholders who have a distinct relationship to the land.

Email us at communities@southbow.com or visit our Contact page for more information.


At South Bow, we believe that creating long-lasting relationships in the communities we call home will help us build a stronger future, together. Through our community investment program, South Bow Cares, we invest meaningfully in causes and organizations that create shared value and prosperity between our communities and our business.

Our focus areas:

  • Safety
  • Education
  • Environment
  • Caring Communities


If you are a successful applicant, you will be required to provide impact data metrics via a reporting survey that South Bow will send you within one year of being awarded your funds.

Remember to print or save your completed application as a PDF.

Click to apply